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Index of

[ICO]NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

[DIR]Parent Directory--
[XML]ggs_yucatan_depth-average-currents_iso19115.xml21-Feb-2025 15:5551367RTOFS: Depth-Averaged Currents - GGS/Yucatan
[XML]radials_iscy_ideal_iso19115.xml21-Feb-2025 16:2581280HFR: Isla Contoy, Mexico (ISCY), Ideal, Long Range Radial Currents - Real-time
[XML]radials_iscy_measured_iso19115.xml21-Feb-2025 16:2581329HFR: Isla Contoy, Mexico (ISCY), Measured, Long Range Radial Currents - Real-time
[XML]radials_mara_measured_delayed-mode_ugos1_iso19115.xml21-Feb-2025 01:2683664HFR: Marathon, Florida (MARA), Measured, Long Range Radial Currents - Delayed Mode
[XML]radials_uasa_ideal_iso19115.xml21-Feb-2025 16:2681307HFR: Puerto Morelos, Mexico (UASA), Ideal, Long Range Radial Currents - Real-time
[XML]radials_uasa_measured_iso19115.xml21-Feb-2025 16:2581348HFR: Puerto Morelos, Mexico (UASA), Measured, Long Range Radial Currents - Real-time
[XML]totals_yucatan_oi_qc_nrt_cleaned_iso19115.xml21-Feb-2025 15:5566673HFR: Yucatan - 6km - Sea Surface Currents - Near Real-Time - QC, Cleaned
[XML]totals_yucatan_oi_qc_nrt_cleaned_v2_iso19115.xml21-Feb-2025 15:5566711HFR: Yucatan - 6km - Sea Surface Currents - Best - QC, Flagged - In Progress
[XML]totals_yucatan_oi_qc_nrt_flagged_iso19115.xml21-Feb-2025 15:5577517HFR: Yucatan - 6km - Sea Surface Currents - Near Real-Time - QC, Flagged
[XML]totals_yucatan_optimal_interpolation_qc_archived_iso19115.xml21-Feb-2025 16:2677661HFR: Yucatan - 6km - Sea Surface Currents - Developmental Product - Archived
[XML]totals_yucatan_optimal_interpolation_qc_nrt_iso19115.xml21-Feb-2025 16:2677615HFR: Yucatan - 6km - Sea Surface Currents - Near Real-Time - Raw, Archived

1 directory, 11 files

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